What Are the Organizations or Institutions in Bishop That Offer Help on Drug Abuse?

Question by annelise d: What are the organizations or institutions in Bishop that offer help on drug abuse?
My group is doing a project about drug rehabilitation so please help us find local drug rehab institutions here in our town. This is for a good cause and for education so I hope you can help me and my group mates. We need to speak with these organizations/centers. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Niki
This is a great website for finding rehabilitation centers and other substance abuse programs by state.


Wish you the best of luck!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



KLEAN Radio – Paradigm Malibu Teen Drug Rehab (09.08.2013) – Dr. Jeff Nalin, Psy.D. and Dr. Steve Sager from Paradigm Malibu discuss addiction issues. For more info: http://paradigmmalibu.com KLEAN Radio is a live, wee…