Treatment for US Opioid Addicts Often Inadequate, Researchers Say

Treatment for US Opioid Addicts Often Inadequate, Researchers Say

Filed under: drug rehab treatment options

Researchers say there are too many gaps between current treatment options for opioid drug abuse and the evidence-based practices utilized in much of the rest of the developed world. Photo by flickr user ep_jhu. Just behind car accidents, opioid drug …
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New technologies improve odds for osteoporosis patients

Filed under: drug rehab treatment options

The good news is that there are several innovative options aimed at improving the effects of osteoporosis, and one treatment that may someday prevent the disease. INTEGRATED … Most drugs, said Dr. Weitzmann, only focus on bone reabsorption.
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Jailed Drug Addicts in Limbo

Filed under: drug rehab treatment options

The only in-prison drug rehabilitation and treatment programme has been suspended and the pilot drug court project in San Fernando is ineffective, stakeholders say. The rehabilitation programme, which was conducted by New Life Ministries, was suspended …
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