treatment option

What Are Symptoms of Teen Depression?

Question by Katana: What are symptoms of teen depression?
I’ve been very irritable lately. I get very upset over the littlest things and I don’t know why. I have no desire to do things I used to love. Nothing sounds fun anymore. I usually just end up isolating myself in my room all day, but I feel very lonely. I have trouble staying asleep, I either eat too much or barely at all. Could these be signs of depression? Also, both my mom and dad have pretty severe depression and take medication for it. I’ve had this on and off for a while and I’m not too sure what to do about it. If it is depression of some sort, what are treatment options and how do I tell my mom that I’m depressed. Answers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel
Do not spend any more time in your room, unless your having the BEST time with video games or something.

The SYMPTOM of all depression is having problems you have not fixed. (This lowers serotonin). So fix your problems. If there are no problems, turn the radio in your head to very happy and stop being so spoilt. As a human your supposed to be living in the wilderness. Look at all the great things around you. And why should you be less happy than those other people you see.

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