substance abuse treatment

Why Do White People Equate the Number of Black Men in Prison With Because They Are Criminal?

Question by Xavier: Why do white people equate the number of black men in prison with because they are criminal?
This is so far from the truth. The number of black men in prison has nothing to do with the thought of we are more prone to criminal behavior. They main reason a lot of black men are locked up is because 1)selling of controlled substance 2)users of a controlled substance ( locked up because they where carrying their drug on them 3) Modern day slavery. Most of these has nothing to do with violent crime. You can’t out right strip black people of their freedom, so therefore you put them in jail for crimes that that their white constituents get less or no time for. The prison system is for profit.

The nation’s 2 million inmates and their keepers are the ultimate captive market: a $ 37 billion economy bulging with business opportunity.

Prisons cost taxpayers more than $ 32 billion a year. Every year that an inmate spends in prison costs $ 22,000. An individual sentenced to five years for a $ 300 theft costs the public more than $ 100,000. The cost of a life term averages $ 1.5 million. This money is paid out to the state and people in the business sector. This effects tax payers but not because black men are in prison, but because society refuses to provide solutions and real effort at stemming crime.

States are spending more money on prisons than education. Over the course of the last 20 years, the amount of money spent on prisons was increased by 570% while that spent on elementary and secondary education was increased by only 33%. The research showed that during the study period (1999-2004), states were able to save up to $ 15 million on their yearly corrections budget by using at least some privately managed prisons.

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Garrison
Liberal moron.

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