san francisco

Dogs' Pot Poisoning Soars as Pets Dig Through Trash, Stash

Dogs' pot poisoning soars as pets dig through trash, stash

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

Green and others discourage such treatment, saying there are more effective, safer drugs available and that there is insufficient research showing that pot helps relieve pet suffering. Most people who know how their pet got sick are up-front about it …
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Millions Gaining Health Coverage Under Law

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

Peter V. Lee, the executive director of California's insurance exchange, said that while logistical problems would surely pop up as the new coverage took effect, they would matter less and less as people started using their benefits. But John G. Lee …
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The Fix Isn't In: Why a Safety Device That Can Stop Overdoses by Kids Isn't

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

ProPublica purchased more than 50 pediatric versions of these products marketed by nine different brands at outlets in California, New York and Washington, D.C., this month. None of the products we bought had flow …. Similarly, a 2012 study co …
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