rehab program

Is Drug Rehab the Only Cure for My Mother’s Severe Heroin Addiction?

Question by Dave S: Is Drug Rehab the only cure for my mother’s severe heroin addiction?
Me and my mom has been on a trailer park for 2 years now. Since my father left us for his “legal family” my mom got so devastated that she resorted to heroin. Every Monday she would go under the bridge which is about a few blocks away from our trailer to buy her stash from spoiled white-suburban kids. I feel so helpless because I don’t have the spine to stop my mom from destroying her life. My only option now is to place her under a rehab program in the hope of saving her from her addiction. Is this a wise decision? or must I try to talk some sense in her before placing her under a rehab program?

Best answer:

Answer by nono
Hi I have lived with an addict & I can tell you now that talking sense won’t work she may lie & tell you that she will kick it but it just won’t happen on her own.
You need to get her to rehab there they will know how best to deal with her addiction.
Its hard not to feel spineless but the truth is your not spineless you are activly searching for a way to help your mum.
I am under the impression that you are a teenager??? (I may be wrong) have you got family or friends that can help you out if she goes into rehab?
I hope she goes okay & kicks this habit for both hers & you sake.

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