prescription medication

What Is the Best Way to Get Off Opioid Drugs?

Question by fran g: What is the best way to get off opioid drugs?
I have a relative who after 15 years of drug addiction is still unable to kick the habit. He began by using heroin, then got into methadone treatment, then into methadose treatment and is currently taking anti-anxiety medication.

Best answer:

Answer by Doc
You should ask a doctor, we are ordinary people. So… methadone maintenance, a little morphine, to narcotics, then taper off, then none.

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At Clinics, Tumultuous Lives and Turbulent Care

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He considered opioid addiction “a hopeless disease,” with patients leaving rehab and then relapsing and sometimes dying, until he started prescribing Suboxone, the brand-name drug whose main ingredient is buprenorphine, as a maintenance therapy in 2004 …
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Paterson man arrested for selling drugs at substance abuse treatment center

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PATERSON — Police arrested a 55-year-old man outside a drug-treatment center and charged him with distributing prescription medication inside the facility, according to a report on Luis Pou was busted at the Straight & Narrow complex, …
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Former home for music now home for recovery in Duluth

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A home where children once could take music lessons in the John S. Duss Music Conservatory has transformed into a modern and relaxed alcohol and drug treatment center for women. By: Alysee … Residents can go through long-term sobriety, education …
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