prescription drug

Caught Selling Prescription Drugs in a School Zone?!?

Question by Mark: Caught selling prescription drugs in a school zone?!?
So here is the story. In December of 2011 I got caught smoking weed at school. I went to court and they just told me to straighten up. Now, February of 2012, I got caught on camera selling drugs to another student. I never got confronted about it until a few days later when I drank a whole bottle of hydrocodone with clozopans. I am being charged with “Public drunkenness, drugs with intent to sell(i think it was trafficking drugs, not sure), tobacco on school grounds, receiving stolen property(cough syrup).
I know this wasn’t the right thing to do, I learned my lesson and don’t need a lecture.
I live in Pittsburgh PA
Remember that this was all done inside of a school zone.
What is going to happen at court?

Best answer:

Answer by Adumbral
You all ready got your slap on the wrist and warning. This is pretty bad. Expect 1-3 years in a Juvenile Detention hall. I guarantee no Jury or Judge will take pity on you now.

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