kansas city star

Assembly Panel Passes Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Measure

Assembly Panel Passes Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Measure

Filed under: drug treatment programs in covina

On Tuesday, a California Assembly committee passed a bill (SB 491) that would seek to curb the state's physician shortage by allowing nurse practitioners to operate without physician supervision at certain medical facilities, the Sacramento Bee reports.
Read more on California Healthline


California Prison Early Release Plan Won't Be Delayed, Supreme Court Rules

Filed under: drug treatment programs in covina

Covina Police Chief Kim Raney, president of the California Police Chiefs Association, said the justices ignored efforts already underway to reduce prison populations and "chose instead to allow for the release of more felons into already overburdened …
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Bob Dole decades of political service

Filed under: drug treatment programs in covina

STEPHAN SAVOIA — ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE: Republican presidential hopeful Bob Dole smiles and gestures during his speech at De La Salle High School in Minneapolis, Wednesday afternoon, July 17, 1996. Dole traveled to Minneapolis to deliver a …
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ObamaCare problems: Doctor shortage, honor system

Filed under: drug treatment programs in covina

And how about the fact that the federal government at least for the first year of the program will not demand any kind of proof that people actually qualify for subsidies designed to make health insurance affordable to almost everyone. Instead, a kind …
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