free drug rehab

Please Help Me Asap! LORTAB ADDITION?

Question by dvsgurl2005: Please help me asap! LORTAB ADDITION?
My cousin is addicted to Lortabs and has no medical insurance or anything. I’m trying to find out if there are any FREE drug rehabs in las vegas area.
He really needs help because he was telling us that he can’t take it any more and he’s going crazy.
If you don’t know any free drug rehabs then please help me find a way to get him off of this drug. Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by crazijimsmith
my friend was addicted to lortabs and Mandrax when he decided to quit he quit. he needs to give em up. hes gonna be sicker than a dog so he’ll need 24 –7 care from family and friends that dont mind cleaning him up. hell puke alot sweat and say nasty stuff he will be in and out of it for a week to 10 days. wake him to feed him chicken soup bouilloin light stuff like that

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