drug treatment program

Will the Obamacare Debate Affect the Florida Governor's Race?

Will the Obamacare debate affect the Florida governor's race?

Filed under: drug treatment programs in florida for felons

With Florida's gubernatorial campaign heating up, Obamacare is becoming one the biggest political issues – even though neither of the top candidates were involved in its passage in Washington. Gov. Rick Scott has begun running almost $ 2 million worth …
Read more on Palm Beach Post (blog)


Legislature briefs: Abruzzo gives emergency guns bill the swing vote it needs

Filed under: drug treatment programs in florida for felons

Drug database: A compromise bill aimed at imposing more security safeguards on the state's prescription-drug monitoring program, would require the state Department of Health to enter agreements with local law enforcement agencies but would not require …
Read more on Palm Beach Post


Holder urges shorter sentences for some drug crimes

Filed under: drug treatment programs in florida for felons

He has also said he wants to divert people convicted of low-level offenses to drug treatment and community-service programs and to expand a prison program to allow the release of some elderly, non-violent, offenders. … “Rewarding convicted felons …
Read more on The South Florida Times