drug addict

How Do Commit Someone for Alcohol and Drug Treatment?

Question by chocolate: How do commit someone for alcohol and drug treatment?
My mother is an alcoholic and drug user. She needs to be committed to a treatment center but she will not go. Last week she slit her wrists and went to the emergency room (50 stitches) but they let her go. I did not know until afterward that she had done this. How can I have her committed if she won’t go on her own? If she attemps suicide again, can I have her committed? Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by mouses1
Go to your local court house.

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10th talk- Psychotherapy Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Addiction and Countertransference – Dr. Sehl covers ambivalence, self-soothing mechanisms, countertransference issues, pro and cons Therapy Training Groups http://www.marksehl.com/therapy-train…