drug addict

CAPRICORNS!!! Is It Just Me or Are Capricorns Are Not Having a Good 2010? 2011 Is Our Year?

Question by : CAPRICORNS!!! Is it just me or are Capricorns are not having a good 2010? 2011 is our year?
IDK. Its seems as people have been testing me so much. testing my patience, my temper. I’ve been holding a lot of stuff in and I can see myself slowly bursting into flames and just telling everyone off. This year I’ve been doing a lot of planning for my future. I’m having problems with getting a job. Although I am in college I still need a job for now until I start on my career.

People, especially family have been testing me so much. No matter how hard I try to avoid it and stay to myself, I always end up arguing with them. I feel They don’t respect me. and I will soon get that respect. because soon, I will not tolerate any B.S. I’m only concentrating on me myself and I.


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Best answer:

Answer by Lucifer
Yeah personally I’ve struggled with drug addiction, and feelings of emptiness throughout this year, things are starting to look bright again though. Like they say “every cloud has a silver lining”. Hopefully that’s referring to 2011 😀

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