doctor shopping

My Doctor Let Me Down and Let Me Go, I Want Justice, He Knew I Would Be Sick…what Do I Do?

Question by lizb7477: My doctor let me down and let me go, I want justice, he knew I would be sick…what do I do?
I was on Methadone for six years and then after this doctor helping me to get off of this drug, he still provided narcotic pain relievers for 2 plus more years and strong ones at that. I have had to result to drastic measures to deal with my pain and had many scary withdrawal situations. He never explained the pain “contract” to me or my father, I did not break this by doctor shopping or anything like that. I feel my health has been in jeopardy and if I have a case, I can use this money for getting the help I need so that when the new specialist sees me, then my hope for getting well will be even better. Please help, I want to know of any lawyers that could help me or any other advice. Thank you for anyone who can relate and takes the time to help me.
Even if this did not get going for a long time, I could still use anything from it repay investors that might help me with a proven cure for this addiction my body has to these medicines. I could also help my family whom is having financial problems due to helping me for so long…and still helping. I have a copy of my records with my new primary care physician and no contract is there where it shows I had a copy. This was the basis of letting me go since they found a small/tiny almost nonexistant trace of marijuana and he knew I used to smoke it regularly I had quit the prior year and only touched it 2 times. I did nothing wrong and he admitted it was not right to let me go but was being investigated by the dea. I do not feel I was any threat bc he and I had done nothing wrong. I am going to die if I do not get help and he knew I was in bad shape and would under oath admit that…I trusted him.. I feel so let down and I am very scared. I wouldn’t be in this position if not for him.
As I said before, he helped me get off methadone by giving it to me in pill form and for two years later gave me strong pain killers then let me go…he has a oath to do no harm and by leaving me in the wind, Ive suffered withdrawal several times now bc I do not have a steady prescription from my pcp at the time and have been hospitalized for it. I said he said he knew this was bad when he let me go and he never explained this so called contract to me never gave me a copy and also admitted he knew I used to smoke pot and agreed that he never told me I couldn’t and never said he had a problem with it…please read more carefully….I was just wondering what you all thought but thats ok…the bar association gave me a number after hearing these details.
As far as the methadone is concerned it just shows how I had a problem with narcotics and to give me enough and know my body is physically hooked is not in my opinion good practicing if you are going to let your patient go without warning. This has left me to be in a limbo period and as far as damages, well I can get a list of physical and emotional and financial damages. You obviously do not understand what physical addiction to a narcotic pain medicine can do to a person. I believe your a smart person but, I should never have asked this here.
Lastly, I was not let go for addiction. Any time a person is on 100 milligrams of methadone, they have a problem, not only that this doctor found many problems with the discs in my back and did several out patient surgeries on it. Like 20 or more. Now my last, I hope statement to clear up for anyone else, I got off the methadone with his help. This took me 2 years and for the last 2 and a half years he did not see the need to bring me off of oxycodone, he felt I needed it for my pain. I was not let go bc I abused my medication.

Best answer:

Answer by Common
What exactly do you think you can sue for? Doctors are under no requirements to treat any particular patient. Your question isn’t clear about what drug the doctor was “helping” you get off – was it the methadone or something else?

Quite frankly, your question makes it sound like your doctor was unaware of your methadone prescription, and prescribed you strong painkillers without that knowledge. Then, once he became aware of your drug addiction, cut you off and “fired” you as a patient.

On a final note, just feeling that your health has been in jeopardy isn’t a cause to sue for damages. In order to win a lawsuit, you must show actual damages. A feeling isn’t enough.

Edit: to repeat my final point, regardless of the reasons why he let you go, he was within his rights to do so. “Feeling” like your health was threatened is NOT enough to form the basis for a lawsuit. In order to prevail in court, you must prove ACTUAL damages – not ones that might have happened.

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