daily mail

Lindsay Lohan Checks in to Betty Ford Clinic

Lindsay Lohan checks in to Betty Ford clinic

Filed under: drug rehabs in arkansas

White was given several days to investigate that facility, which a state official said was not licensed to perform residential drug or alcohol rehab treatment. Lohan's sentence called for her to spend three months at a lockdown rehab facility and also …
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Today's News: Our Take – Lindsay Lohan to Piers Morgan: "I've Never Been a

Filed under: drug rehabs in arkansas

In an interview with Piers Morgan for the U.K.'s Daily Mail ahead of her latest stint in rehab, Lohan says she's "never been a huge drinker" and has done cocaine only a handful of times in her life, while staying firmly away from other hard drugs like …
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Water Boys

Filed under: drug rehabs in arkansas

This is what rehab looks like. No, not from drugs and alcohol; this kind of rehab happens when an actor known for a certain level or genre of work has the moxie to reinvent himself onscreen through some smart role choices. The actor here is Matthew …
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