daily caller

Obamacare Exchange Leaks Data of 2400 Unsuspecting Customers

Obamacare exchange leaks data of 2400 unsuspecting customers

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities in iowa

“They've got to realize they have a huge problem.” The completion date for cybersecurity testing on the data hub has been delayed until September 30, the day before Obamacare exchanges open for business. MNsure issued a statement maintaining that …
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Why a Hillary Clinton victory in 2016 may be far from inevitable [VIDEO]

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities in iowa

She does have a likeability problem that her husband didn't have. She doesn't have the charisma of an Obama, of a Reagan.” Ultimately, Kengor believes that a Hillary Clinton win in 2016 is far from a sure thing. “I don't care what anybody says,” Kengor …
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River Hills Recovery Center Aides Folks With Internet Addiction

Filed under: drug addiction treatment facilities in iowa

Rebecca Whitlock, a therapist, says, "Mental health and medical help and substance abuse treatment have to get with the times really. … Those who are unsure whether they have an issue can contact River Hills Recovery Center for more information.
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