baby boomer

I Want to Open a Drug Rehab Center Where Do I Look to Find Out How?

Question by Ronnie: I want to open a drug rehab center where do I look to find out how?
I want to help people and work for myself the two things that I would like to do even if I wasn’t getting paid to do. I can’t find any information. Everything I get is for a person going to a rehab and I want to know how to established one.

Best answer:

Answer by gentle g
I would first look through your Department of Human Resources for your State and see what it might take as far as the rules and regulations for a Rehab Center.

I would also look into the modalities of drug and rehab issues, to see what kind of qualified individuals you will need.

Also critical in your attempt is to look into outside resources — ie private or state funding.

I would look at a D&R model that you like the best, whether it deals with a 12 step approach (which I find most relevant and better results).

Some great places to ask about their program are listed below. This is just a start to your big adventure!

let me know how it all works out for you!

What do you think? Answer below!



Federal Funding To Help Substance Abuse Treatment – Federal funding is coming to Oklahoma to help Oklahomans in substance abuse treatment programs pay for housing, transportation and meals.


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Filed under: state funded drug rehab

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Deaths among White Americans now outpace birth rate

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

… mostly white baby boomer generation are also adding to the government burden. A recent Rutgers University study found that state funding for pre-K programs had its largest drop ever last year, with states now spending less per child than a decade ago.
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Health Week: Drug dealings

Filed under: state funded drug rehab

Seemingly fearful that they might be tagged as being soft on drugs, the Harper government introduced highly restrictive measures aimed at making it all but impossible to open a supervised drug injection site, and a crime to grow your own medicinal …
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