baby boomer

'Pre-drinking' Leads to Heavier Booze, Drug Intake for College Kids

'Pre-drinking' leads to heavier booze, drug intake for college kids

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

Pre-drinking is a bigger problem in the U.S. because the legal drinking age is higher than in Switzerland, said Dr. Christopher Welsh, an addiction psychiatrist at University of Maryland who was not involved with the study. "Young adults are drinking a …
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Are baby boomers the pill-popping generation?

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

Though the actual number of midlife drug users is significantly lower in comparison to teenagers and twentysomethings, the alarming spike moved the NIH to urge physicians and family members to be alert for warning signs of drug abuse in older people …
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Rick Perry and State Senator Jane Nelson Want Texas to Drug Test Welfare

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

In addition, parents or relatives who get it sign a "Personal Responsibility Agreement" promising not to abuse alcohol or drugs, to look for work, not to voluntarily quit a job, and keep up with child support payments, among other things. But Nelson …
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Pfaff '14: Drugs shouldn't be decriminalized

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

Those who argue that we should consider lowering the drinking age — myself included — point to this scenario and say that if alcohol became less of a forbidden fruit, people would tame their consumption. But illicit drugs differ from alcohol in a …
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