attorney general

Can Someone Give Me a General Idea of My Problem?

Question by Mr. BIG: Can someone give me a general idea of my problem?
I am a 27yr old male 220lbs healthy. I was beaten and caged(in a house)for 15yrs before someone finaly killed them.
I drank n drugged till I was 19 (good times) and finally got sent to prison for three long miserable years.
When I got out I had never felt happiness till that moment but it only lasted a few hours.I worked hard and semi sober for about four years bought new cars, tv’s,quads,leather couches an everything I ever wanted And have had two good friends through it all.I have a very hard time speaking to people.Like anxiety you couldn’t imagine in your worst nightmare.
So,One month I decided to sell everything and move to Maui,Hawaii and lived there for two months before I came back.So,here I am living in my friends garage.I cant work I’m just a wreck(I hide it very well)I cannot feel anything but pain.
Nothing makes me happy.And I try every minute of every day.I want to live. But don’t know what to do. Help.
help is what I’m asking this is the only free place.I have no money.
I live in Arizona.

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Answer by Blue

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