alcohol abuse

What Can I Do About a Drug Addict Family Member Who’s in Denial and Refuses to Get Help?

Question by Annamarie .: What can I do about a drug addict family member who’s in denial and refuses to get help?
My sister is a drug addict. We have tried talking to her, but she just gets irate and ready to beat someone up. It has gotten so bad that drug dealers are now looking for her, because she owes them money (money she doesn’t have, of course) Is there anything we can do, even if she doesn’t voluntarily accept, before the drugs or the dealers end up killing her?

Best answer:

Answer by Shrug
She’s missing something in her life. That’s usually why people turn to drugs to begin with. Find out what’s bothering her.

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Emotions at work in finance

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

The most common problem traders bring to him is drug and alcohol abuse, where they use substances either to energise themselves after burnout or to wind down from a high. “It's not just cocaine and cannabis, but prescription and over-the-counter drugs …
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Snapchatting With Senator Rand Paul

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

Snapchat is not going to change the way in which citizens can directly communicate with their elected officials—at least I don't think so—but even if this was a functional means of touching base, it's pretty clear we would all abuse it in every which …
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The psychology of the 'winter blues' and 'retail therapy'

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act

The psychology of the 'winter blues' and 'retail therapy'. Email · Print · Facebook; Tweet; Post a comment. By Nadia … the serotonin-based signaling in the brain drops,” Ilardi said. Reduced serotonin also affects impulsiveness, causing people to …
Read more on Lawrence Journal World