addiction treatment

Does Life Ever Get Better?

Question by melinda: Does life ever get better?
hi, I’m recovering from a drug addiction about a little over two weeks clean at the moment and I’m doing it on my own. And I don’t feel life is worth living, I mean does it ever get better? I feel like I’m in a black hole and the light is getting further and further out of reach. Some shit happened in my past that I couldn’t handle so I OD’d a little over 2 years ago and ended up in the hospital and after that I got hooked on drugs. Does anyone have any experience with what I’m going through??? I just want to be happy again and I’m scared. Im 21 years old.

Best answer:

Answer by God is awesome
Only with a relationship with Jesus life cold get better & even awesome.The problem is few people try because it sounds just too simple.

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