addiction recovery center

What Is the Best Brain Cancer Hospital in the US?

Question by : what is the best brain cancer hospital in the US?
I am so confused about where to look for my husband. He is having his 5th brain tumor removed tomorrow. He has the worst cancer. Glioblastoma Multiform. I can not accept there is nothing I can do. I feel as though he is running out of time. How many more times can they operate? We were looking into Duke in NC. We live in Florida. Any input would be great. He is so healthy otherwise. He is not in pain and not sick. If you looked at him you would never know except for the incision under his hair. He wants to keep fighting and is very positive. His surgeon is in Philly buy we really need to find a drug trial to get him into right away. thanks for any info

Best answer:

Answer by wowpow32
I think duke would be a good place. Keep researching more hospitals and best of luck to you and your husband. I hope Stay strong and keep fighting. Wish him the best of health

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