abuse treatment

If Is Said Drug Abuse Is a Problem in the Gay Community Would You….?

Question by DarwingotnastyontheBeagle: If is said drug abuse is a problem in the gay community would you….?
Call me an idiot homophobe? If so why?

If I that incidents of herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis are on the rise in the gay community would you call me hater? If so why?

If I said that domestic abuse is downplayed in the gay community would you mention how it affects everyone? If so why?
Yeah and HIV is on the rise among blacks, drug abuse is a problem, incarceration rates of black men are high, teen pregnancy is high with blacks, I can go on And on. I can recognize the issues that affect the black community. Can you with the gay community?

Best answer:

Answer by wayhenry
No you’re not a homophobe, all the members of the LGBT community need to realize that drug abuse, STD, and domestic abuse (to a slightly lesser extent) are rampant within the community, especially among gay males. I must say I partially blame the nature of the male sex for their reckless pursuit of pleasure.

We can argue back and forth about the heterosexual community in general is also facing the same problems, but statistics doesn’t lie, our community on shaky grounds. One of the problems sources is because the Gay and Lesbian community (like other minorities) has been neglected by the legal community in whole or in part. But on the other side as a part of the gay community, we need be pro-active. hold ourselves to a higher standard and educate others within the community to be more responsible.

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