Strangers, Immigrants and the Eglah Arufah

Strangers, Immigrants and the Eglah Arufah

Filed under: 2000

Accordingly, you had no rights in appeal against unfair or unjust treatment. As aliens you were without any rights in Egypt, out of that grew all of your bondage and oppression, your slavery and wretchedness. Therefore beware, so runs the warning, from …
Read more on The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A. (blog)


Mayors, zila parishad heads in lokpal ambit

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act 2000

For transfer of a two-wheeler now, Rs. 500 per vehicle would be charged, for three-wheeler Rs. 2,000, for four-wheeler except a tractor a sum of Rs. 6,000, for all types of six-wheelers Rs. 10,000, and for tractor Rs. 15,000. By bringing an amendment …
Read more on Hindustan Times


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