Prayer for Drug Addicts…?

Question by MAX CADY: Prayer for drug addicts…?
Please look at this question:

Why did so many people tell this girl to PRAY for a drug addict and none of them mentioned DRUG TREATMENT??

Shouldn’t this person see a licensed medical professional who can treat people with drug addiction?

Don’t you feel that it is DANGEROUS and foolish to advise a person with a serious drug addiction to simply “pray” when science and statistics clearly show us that drug treatment is the only PROVEN way to treat drug addicts??
hey papaofgirlmegan: so you don’t agree with me? If it was one of your family members you would rather “pray” for them than give them treatment? Wow, you are a sick man.
hey benitocanadian: Ra + treatment= cured!
Hey Esther: You do realize that science has statistically proven that the most effective treatment for drug addiction is REHABILITATION…….right? I’ll make you a bet….you pray for 100 drug addicts and I’ll send 100 addicts to rehab….who do you think will win??? WAKE UP!
Rkirby: Why am I angry???? Because religious WHACKOS are advising people with SERIOUS medical conditions to “pray” instead of seeking help from a Doctor. Don’t you see how dangerous this is? Wake UP!!!
tequila: Nice try. So no atheists attend AA/NA? No Buhdists? They don’t believe in your “god”. Also, AA and NA (while good alternatives) don’t have anywhere CLOSE to the long term success rate as LONG TERM inpatient (secular) treatment centers who rely on FACTS and MEDICINE, not invisible “spirits” and superstition.
OCCUPYING SPACE: are you telling me that people without “faith” can’t be cured of addictions? That’s funny, I know of atheists who have gone to inpatient treatment centers for addictions with great success. What’s funny is that these centers make no mention of “god”.
JesusFan: you said jesus can heal anybody right? Please provide evidence to support your bizzare claims.

Best answer:

Answer by fireball226
i think treatement should definitely be advised yes

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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