One Neuroscientist Rethinks Addiction

One Neuroscientist Rethinks Addiction

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

His credentials are sterling: Hart has studied addiction and the brain for the last 25 years. He has tenure in Columbia's Psychology Department. He's on the National Advisory Council for Drug Abuse. His book, High Price, questions the War on Drugs. But …
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Democratic senator endorses immigration bill … in Spanish

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

Spanish is also spoken by almost 40 million Americans who have a lot at stake in the outcome of this debate. First, I want to applaud my colleagues in the “Gang of 8,” who have worked tirelessly to come up with a bipartisan comprehensive bill. This …
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The State Department is as honest as it is honorable

Filed under: drug abuse treatment outcome study

Did Mr. McGuinn contact MPD to have them write Mr. Medlock a jaywalking ticket that was delivered to Mr. Medlock while he was in the hospital being treated for a broken knee (which will require surgery), lacerations and bruises? If so, do you consider …
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