Mass. Girl, Parents Awarded $63M in Motrin Lawsuit

Mass. girl, parents awarded M in Motrin lawsuit

Filed under: San Antonio Drug Treatment

BOSTON (AP) — Health care company Johnson & Johnson has been told to pay a teenager and her parents $ 63 million after she suffered a life-threatening drug reaction and lost most of her skin when she took a children's pain reliever nearly a decade ago.
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Bill seeks drug testing for public assistance

Filed under: San Antonio Drug Treatment

Public assistance could be denied if drug screening or treatment is refused. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, seven states have implemented some type of drug testing or screening for public assistance over the last two years.
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Technology giving limited vision to blind people is approved

Filed under: San Antonio Drug Treatment

The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved the first treatment to give limited vision to people who are blind, involving a technology called the “artificial retina.” With it, people with certain types of blindness can detect crosswalks on …
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'Listening session' on Mass. medical marijuana

Filed under: San Antonio Drug Treatment

The Department of Public Health also heard from substance-abuse groups, youth counselors and police, who urged them to draft strict regulations as the state prepares to begin offering medical marijuana to people with cancer, Parkinson's disease, AIDS …
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