How Can I Get My Mum to Stop Smoking?

Question by Money Murphy: how can i get my mum to stop smoking?
her brother died recently from cancer and he smoked, im not saying it was the smoking but i just want her to quit now i really do, but she seems sad and upset when she cant have a smoke and i dont know what to do? should i keep pressuring her to stop or just leave her and let her smoke if it makes her happy? im just scared for her and i want to do whats right for her, i dont want to upset her, but at the same time i want to look out for her, and i want her to be healthier. What can i do for her?

Best answer:

Answer by nicole a
get chantix from the doctor…. crush it up in her food….she wont even know after 2 weeks withdrawls!! …sometimes you have to do things behind their back ya know? for their own health… like when your boyfriend/girlfriends gettin just slip them some hydroxycuts *hehe* but never tell anyone…it brings negative karma and you will eventually get caught ..*mischevious* had to slip my uncle chantix because he was smokin 2 packs of cigs again after the doctor told him he had emphazyma

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