Have You Heard of Organized Stalking or Cause Stalking?

Question by Terry Cloth: Have you heard of organized stalking or cause stalking?
It’s a recently documented phenomena, that is commonly used as a form of reprisal for whistleblowers or to terrorize people in minority groups, outspoken community members, ex spouses, etc.

It is exactly as frightening as it sounds. Groups of people stalking and harassing a single individual in a community, so pervasively that the targeted individual is driven to commit suicide, be institutionalized, and/or incarcerated.

Can you believe this is happening?
What could one person do to stop this?

Best answer:

Answer by Schadenfreude
Its an experimental weapon (VOG Voice of god) being tested on civilians. Monarch MK/ULTRA mind control torture technique with CIA/NSA technology being used to track, intimidate, and even read (steal) the thoughts of people. They use electroencephalographs to create voices in a person’s head, simulates mental illness, leading many to think that victims are delusional. The stalking component, common in many cases, shows the harassment is not just in their head to others that know the victim. Some methods to deflect attacks from directed energy weapons like particle beams, ultrasound, and laser, but audio harassment, such as communications beamed directly into the head via microwaves, and blanketed low frequency waves are harder to stop. According to his intelligence communities, the technology to enable these techniques comes from satellites, rather than someone on the ground. It’s also being used on political opponents of politicans, whistle blowers, as revenge for jealously, etc… It’s used to leave the victim to isolate themselves and hopefully do themselves in so no evidence of wrong doing from the preps.

Electronic harassment victims are about 70% female, who sometimes suffer from sexual assaults. In some cases, the victims have gotten on the wrong side of a large law firm, or private investigators are involved the harassment. There is hardly any backlash from the population at large because they have no idea it’s happening and law enforcement doesn’t understand the 4th admendment in the constitution or they just do not care.

A James Walbert recently won a court case in which his former business associate was ordered to stop using “electronic means” to harass him. If its happening to you can get a FOIA from the DOJ/FBI/CIA/NSA but they denie accountability. Practicing physician Dr. John Hall is working with thousands of victims of electronic harassment, stalking, and mind control. He is calling for a congressional hearing to bring an end to this kind of harassment/experimentation and recommends that victims contact the organization Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance. I would suggest starting your own organization if your serious.

A federal judge has tentatively ordered dismissal of a $ 12 million lawsuit against the U.S. government, filed by a former deputy marshal who said he was unknowingly drugged with LSD as part of a CIA mind-control (Project MK/ULTRA) program before trying to hold up a San Francisco bar nearly a half century ago. During the program, which lasted at least a decade at the height of the Cold War, hundreds of unwitting Americans were given LSD and other drugs to study their possible use in behavioral control. They used pyschrist hospitals as fronts to find victims. It was ordered closed down but since post 9/11 it’s being used again on hopeless victims.

According to congressional testimony and other records, federal agents started giving mind-altering drugs to volunteers and unwitting subjects in the early 1950s and continued for at least a decade in an unsuccessful attempt to discover methods to control human consciousness.

One subject committed suicide in 1953. The government paid $ 750,000 to his widow and another $ 750,000 to nine Canadians who underwent MKULTRA experiments during psychiatric treatment. The government won a New York jury verdict in 1999 in the only other known case besides Ritchie’s to go to trial.

Monarch MK/ULTRA mind control. Monarch because the royal families are in charge of the NWO and the MK is named after civil rights leader MLK Jr.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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