FDA Approves Abuse-Deterrent OxyContin Label Changes

FDA approves abuse-deterrent OxyContin label changes

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

10-year BRAIN initiative aims to find new ways to treat, cure and prevent neurological disorders. Opinion … "While both original and reformulated OxyContin are subject to abuse and misuse, the FDA has determined that reformulated OxyContin can be …
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Sarepta Vs Glaxo In The Race To Treat Muscular Dystrophy

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

The FDA may consider granting accelerated approval with just two phases of testing, if the drug addresses a significant unmet medical need and shows promise in treating life-threatening conditions. On April 15 Sarepta (SRPT) announced that the FDA will …
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Erie pharmacist doesn't dispense drugs

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

Millcreek Health System owns both LECOM and Eastside Medical Center. "One reason for the increase was when Medicare created its prescription drug program (in 2006), Part D, it recognized medication therapy management as a billable service," Bell said.
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