Drug Addiction Treatment, Ayahuasca, Cannabis Hemp, and the Shaman Farmers of God


Drug Addiction Treatment, Ayahuasca, Cannabis Hemp, and the Shaman Farmers of God – PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO ON FACEBOOK & TWITTER TO HELP EDUCATE OTHERS!


When your son hears voices

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

So what Naomi is thinking about now is helping Spencer make it until Friday, when he has another therapy appointment, and when the effect of a new medication he has just started taking might become clear. They drive to the … She has also read about …
Read more on The Week Magazine


New Jersey Herald – Prescriptions with deadly consequences

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

The amount of drugs prescribed in the county is "staggering," according to Jean Paul Bonnet, a physician with the Skylands Medical Group who has looked at the problem and is trying to fix it. As example Bonnet says, "With the number of sleeping pills …
Read more on New Jersey Herald


Mourning Reingamphi Awungshi

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

Nor is it reasonable for the police without thorough investigation and competent medical examination of the body to conclude that the death was a suicide rather than murder; and that the injuries on the body, the outcome of substance abuse rather than …
Read more on E-Pao.net


Kentucky to study whether new pain-pill laws are curbing abuse

Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics

… doctors, dentists and other prescribers and interview licensing boards, and also examine KASPER data and publicly available statistics on morbidity and mortality, such as hospital discharges, deaths and admissions to substance abuse treatment …
Read more on The Courier-Journal