Can We Kick Our Rommie Out and Give Them 1 Day?

Question by Babe: Can we kick our rommie out and give them 1 day?
We let a friend of ours move in to help her get out of bad relationship and we just found drugs in the trash can. There is no written agreement for her to be here because is was only supposed to be for a little while.. How much time do we have to give her if drugs are involved? Is there a website i can go to that tells me? Also, we are just leaseing the property so if we call the police will they have to contact the owner of the house?
Sorry I did not say this before i am in texas.
We found weed stems in the trash. We have told her before that we do not want that in or around our house. When we found the stuff in the trash we tried talking to her about it but she got very defensive. Also, we found a bong in her bed room.
Could we change the locks if she wont give use the key back even if she has stuff here?
The only reason we would call the cops is if she started acting stupid. We dont want her to go to jail but are not going to be putting up with any of her crap. When we asked for the keys back she told us that she was not going to give them back and that if we kept asking then she would spay us with mase. Not a big thing i no and we will not call the cops over that but if she trys anything while her friends are here helping then we will. All we were doing was trying to help her.

Best answer:

Answer by sweetdoll?
I would think that if you call the police, yes they have to talk to the owner of the house because the house is in their name. Plus if your friend never signed a contract and has been living there for more than a few days you might be breaking your own contract by allowing somebody to live there without notifying the owner. It really depends on what your contract says about allowing visitors to stay at the house.
But yeah, if you don’t like what she’s doing then you need to tell her that you don’t like what she’s been doing at the house and tell her that if things don’t change then you will have to send her on her way.

hope this helps!

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