Can a Person Who Was a Cocaine Addict Drink Alcohol Occasionally After 6 Months of Rehab?

Question by kat: Can a person who was a cocaine addict drink alcohol occasionally after 6 months of rehab?
My husband is getting out of a 6 month drug rehab program on Friday. I want to know if it is ok to allow him to drink alcohol or not. Alcohol was never a problem for him, cocaine was his only addiction. I do not drink very often. I will maybe have 1 or 2 drinks every couple of months. I just wanted to know if I should ban all alcohol from our home? I just need some guidance on this one. Serious, helpful answers please.

Best answer:

Answer by hankslow
being a cocaine addict i can tell you that the alcohol has to GO
i have been clean for a long time but….like your husband i will and he will always be a cocaine addict for the rest of our lives and the one thing that can push us down the wrong road again is a change in mental thinking and what is the main thing alcohol does to everyone who drinks?
tell your husband that i am very proud of him for beating the devil’s dust ….ONE DAY AT A TIME….. GOOD LUCK.

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