Almost 14 Years Old and I smOke Weed?
Question by nicolas: Almost 14 years old and i smOke weed?
I have smoked weed for about 5 months now, for the first 2 months about twice a month and during the summer once a week until the last month where it was almost everyday. Now I am back in school and I only smoke on weekends.. I mean i could stop wenever I want and my concentration in class is good and my grades are too… I dont know if its a problem. I think about it alot… What should I do?
Best answer:
Answer by Grace
You should stop you could DIE soon , your addicted to it in my school they teach us about the things in the world .
it’s a problem did you tell your parents
your grades get low because your going to be addictied and want it every day of the week
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