Another Month in Rehab for Lohan?

Another month in rehab for Lohan?

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

"The treatment team wants Lindsay to stay for at least another 30 days, because she didn't do her entire 90 days at Cliffside. Someone with her addiction and psychiatric issues needs extensive treatment and 90 … 'The Canyons' star – who has battled …
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0707 Union Court

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

June 25. Jerry Penrod, Jonesboro: Pleaded guilty to retail theft and was sentenced to 12 months probation, alcohol/substance abuse evaluation with treatment as recommended and a fine, plus costs, and 100 days jail time with credit for time already served.
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The brain's response to sweets may indicate risk for development of alcoholism

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

Furthermore, the brain mechanisms of sweet-taste responses may share common neural pathways with responses to alcohol and other drugs. A new study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has found that recent drinking is related to the …
Read more on Medical Xpress


Prosecutors file motion questioning Webb's move

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

He was placed in a substance-abuse program that offers the safest environment for Henrico prisoners, according to Henrico Sheriff Mike Wade. In the motion filed Tuesday, Richmond Deputy … He added that the city jail would not allow Webb's medication …
Read more on Richmond Times Dispatch