Britain Has Lost the Plot Agree or Disagree?

Question by wilsonj5: britain has lost the plot agree or disagree?
britain is a shadow of its former self, for instance look at our military it is underfunded, immigration is spiraling out of control,our manufacturing is all but gone and we are run by politicians who don’t give a dam about this country nd this is to state a few reasons.

Best answer:

Answer by Ntharotep Celebrates Meow Monday
Are you talking about Britain or America?
I feel ya…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation: Staying Sober – Part 1 – Drug detox and alcohol detox are generally short term addiction treatment programs, usually lasting between three to ten days. The time spent in drug or alcohol detox is contingent upon the amount of drugs/alcohol being used, how long and any added medical or psychiatric symptoms. Detox, short for detoxification, is only the first step in the addiction treatment process. Most people, due to the length and severity of use, develop a physical and psychological dependency on their drug of choice (including alcohol). Drug or alcohol detox can be a challenging process and almost all treatment programs will ensure their program is designed to ensure safety and prepare their patients for further care.