Should We Give Texas Green Cards to Enter the US?

Question by Reba K: Should we give Texas green cards to enter the US?
Texas Governor Rick Perry wades into General Beck’s wack bin and declares Texas’ sovereignty from the U.S., saying that the time has come to “draw the line in the sand” against the . “No longer are we going to accept their oppressive hand in the state of Texas.”

Best answer:

Answer by Proud Tree Hugging Liberal! Lola
no; perry is just trying to get the trailer trash yahoo vote

Add your own answer in the comments!


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15 Responses to Should We Give Texas Green Cards to Enter the US?

  • justm399 says:

    No, I think we should build a big wall.

  • Yamanka™ [StraightTalk Express] says:

    If they want to suceed, I say let them.
    They wont last a second without the United States’ help.

    Then they’ll learn their lesson and come back.

  • Buzz Kill says:

    America will no longer accept the oppressive hand of Texas!

  • rollwit200276 says:

    What has Texas given to the US? The Alamo and George W Bush. Let them leave, and issue them green cards to enter the US.

  • legal doesn't make it right. says:

    No, Any smart Texan won’t be leaving Texas to come into your sick, disgusting socialist nation by that time. Don’t worry, we won’t be coming in to the US by the time we are declared our own country, we’ll be quite happy without you all.

  • eclecticcrab says:

    I’ve a better idea. Let’s put into practice what he–and the rest of the far right–have been advocating. No remember–this is what they’ve said ought to be done with foreigners.

    >build a wall around Texas.
    >Deport anyone born in Texas
    > Shoot anyone from Texas trying to cross the border.

    Don’t yell at me–that’s what they’ve been calling for for years.

  • OPV N says:

    If Texas divide from the unions, Texans are going to be the ones giving americans greencards to became residents of Texas.

  • NoBaama says:

    The Federal Government openly supports illegal aliens and terrorists from all over into the country. We even provide them with free healthcare and Education. Would issuing green cards to Texans who are burdened with the lack of action by the Federal Government help anything? Never fear, Obama already is setting up re-education camps in the desert for any Texan that does not freely relinquish their constitutional rights. Who would guard the border and with what? A bunch of San Francisco liberals guarding the border with a ticket book ready to issue a citation to any Texan that enters the country?

  • drjpba says:

    Only the ignorant cannot see the way the federal government has been violating it’s Constitutional restraints.

  • pissedoffbastard13 says:

    What makes you think they want to enter the US? Sounds to me like they’re leaving it!

  • Government criminal says:

    I can tell you one thing, if it comes down to it, I won’t want a green card to enter your bullsh!t country. Keep your damn Federal Reserve bank out of my state.

  • James H says:

    Pay no attention to Gov. Rick “hows my hair” Perry. I’m sure as soon as he realized none of his hair products are produced in Texas, he was ready to back track on his statements. He knows Kay Bailey Hutchinson is give him all he can handle in the next election.

  • brown9500v2 says:

    I’ve given it some thought.

    Maybe Texas seceding is not a bad idea.

    It would provide a buffer zone between us and Mexico, thereby making it necessary for drugs and illegals to cross two borders to come in through Texas, and cutting our southern border in half.

    We could then concentrate our border patrol along the Arizona, New Mexico and California stretch.

    The drug cartels might even try and take over the new country, whereby we could offer Texas financial aide to fight them and not have to deploy our own troops.

    Perry might be on to something.

  • Mic says:

    Good for Gov. Rick Perry, maybe all the other states should do the same. This is the land of the FREE. Suppose to be anyway.

  • Tina Marie says:

    Well if that happens and us Texans go down then at least we tried and we will know that the money we paid in TAXES stayed in TEXAS. And I do say that with a southern draw…..

    Some of you guys need to come down here and see how many illegals are taking advantage of our welfare system. We have not received enough border patrol troops to guard our Texas border, we need to bring our troops home.

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