Is There a Good Website That Tells You Some Methods for Drug Testing?
Question by meh: Is there a good website that tells you some methods for drug testing?
I’m doing a research project…so please help!!! For example, when a person gets pulled over for drunk driving by a policeman, what kinds of methods does the police use to test the driver for drugs?
Best answer:
Answer by ursula_higgs
Well the police have a couple of methods to test a person for drunk driving. The main ones you probably already know are the “walk the line” where a person has to walk in a straight line. After that the policeman usually shines a light in the subjects eyes. He also has you follow the pen with your eyes ect. Now for the more science based method. Well that would be the breathalyzer machine. It has a white tube attached to it and it measure a reading of the alcohol content in people. (Man I am too much of a cop show fan).
Another think I gathered from watching a Court TV show one day is that they can test for things like a Cocaine addiction from a hair sample where they take a strand of hair and test it.
Another way that drug testing is done is by gathering a urine sample (uck).
Hope this helps you a little bit. As for a website I am not sure about one.
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