Do You Know of Any Free Ebooks About Drugs, Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Alcoholism,?

Question by Breezy: Do you know of any free ebooks about drugs, treatment, alcoholism,?
I need read a book and do a review for a class about life, society and drugs. I would like an e-book so I can read it anywhere. I could also read one that costs no more than $ 10.
Have you read any good books that talk about drugs, or drug use or abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by WV_Nomad
I use to work at a treatment facility. There is a wide range of infomation on that topic and what is the best treatment. You could always a and AA/NA book to understand the addiction or go to an open meeting. There are many programs that doesn’t agree with AA/NA, due to reasons, and a major one would be that AA/NA views the addiction as a disease, and the religious views addiction as a behavior. A lot of college book stores has books on that topic and if their used it would be cheaper to buy. A good book, but hard to understand because it’s a Masters degree level, but it does give different views about alcoholism “Alcoholism and the Family….A Guide to Treatment and Prevention”…by Ann Lawson and Gary Lawson. If you decide to get it, try reading through it a little, cause there are big words in it that could make the book boring.

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Narconon {Scientology-linked drug rehab} A DANGER! – Found on ROCK CENTER NBC Famous Scientologists like Tom Cruise and John Travolta have touted the value of Narconon, a drug rehabilitation program based on th…


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11 Responses to Do You Know of Any Free Ebooks About Drugs, Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Alcoholism,?

  • jlarsena says:

    In scientology, John Travolta couldn’t say Jet Travolta was autistic, it
    doesn’t exist. They live in delusion, so narconon is no different. If Tom
    Cruise shows up at your accident scene and says he’s the only one who can
    help, I’d say no you’re not, call emergency services.?

  • jlarsena says:

    Narconon 40% success rate, 20% if you count relapses. The detox center in
    my home town has better success than that, and no one dies.?

  • Alan Dille says:

    I’ll tell you why Go to CCHR(Dot)org and you will see the legal Drug
    pushers who stand to lose if Scientology takes over the Mental Health
    Arena. This is where the bad PR comes from. People believe more in drugs,
    as they are not educated about them, so they can convince them easily
    Scientology is a fraud. They then go fault finding. Their are more people
    killed off Psych Drugs that all the wars since 1812 & no one is in an
    uproar. Why? They control the media. If we controlled the media. 0 Psychs

  • RobertRamsey3232 says:

    Ha i use to work there

  • WantToKnow says:

    What can the general public do to get lawmakers on the case?? Call our
    political reps? I’ll help if I just know how. Eventually scientology
    (business/cult) and all the factions will go down, as power-hungry
    organizations and people do. But, it must happen before many more lives are

  • Jimmy David says:

    Many years ago, Babsi, a 14 years old german girl (refered in Christiane
    F’s book) escaped from Narconon for reason’s unknown. 2 months later she
    turnned up dead. The press said she was a heroin’s victim… but i’m
    starting to think she was a Narconons.

  • WantToKnow says:

    If narconon is a ‘non-religious’ program, per the scientology quote, are
    they paying taxes?

  • Harizl says:

    “You spend 5 hours a day in a sauna & you take vitamins, How can that
    possibly kill someone?” How can that possibly do anything*.

  • TheSympathize says:

    America is becoming way too drug dependent, but scientology’s method of
    detox certainly isnt legitimized with this commonality of anti-drug use
    across all spectrums. There is not accountability, narconon is a recruiting
    industry which essentially profits from indoctrination whilst calling such
    indoctrination rehab.

  • federico f says:

    people talking about narconon doesnt know anything u first be a drug addict
    and make the whole program then you can really say if it works or not, i
    was in narconon for 10 months 9 nine years ago and i left all drugs
    including Psychiatric, so i been clean for 9 nine years im 28 now, that
    literally save my life if i wouldnt get there im sure i would be dead or in
    a mental intitution, and i was able to finish my international business
    career at the university im also a pianist and guitar player.

  • Alan Dille says:

    It sweats out all the chemicals, drugs and toxins stored in your cells that
    cause a sort of flashback blocking your clarity of perception. Try it. The
    legal Drug pushers are going to discredit it as they want to push drugs on
    society. We have a war going on. If Drugs win out this society will be on
    its way out. We have a solution that requires no drugs. Why not talk to the
    millions that have had gains on it? $Trillions of Dollars will be lost on
    sales of Drugs if Scientology Wins. CCHR(Dot)org

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