Can You Smoke Weed on This Drug?

Question by Nevershoutnever: Can you smoke weed on this drug?
So, I used to do all sorts of drugs I lexapro (adderall, vikadin, OxyContin) I really only expirimented with them, and I of course continued to smoke weed on it. Anyway, it ****** me up big time. I’m off the lexapro, stopped expirimenting with pills, but still smoke weed, and starting to drink now. Today I’m starting trazodone, and I wondering if it’s safe to smoke marijuana on it? I know I shouldn’t do drugs, but I’m very dependent on them. It seems like being on an antidepressant doesn’t help me enough, but maybe trazodone will. Has it helped you people? d: (btw, trazodone is meant to treat anxiety, insomnia, depression)
Maybe I do have a problem, but I’m fourteen. I can’t just go to any rehab place..

Best answer:

Answer by CookieMonster
weed makes the affects of any drug more powerful.

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