How Do I Maintain Normalcy With One Who Freak Me So Much?

Question by Strong: How do i maintain normalcy with one who freak me so much?

Best answer:

Answer by Christian Minister
Hurting people hurt others. It’s not you.. They are the ones who have a problem. People/parents do mean things or lie to manipulate. They just want the reaction so they can get high feel good from it. You have to look at the agenda and not just the words. Abuse is anything that’s not uplifting so forget what truth is being used right then. They have the problem and get high on being mean.

When they or you have been thru verbal abuse/rejection/father gone it makes things start. So called disorders such as Bipolar, Bullying, Anorexia, Cutting, OCD, anxiety, panic attacks,hearing voices can all come from a tramautic past. You can talk to me or google “emotional abuse” Knowing the truth is the step to freedom from pain.

Psychiatrists have the highest rate of felony patient abuse of all the medical professions. Psychiatrists do not draw blood to determine the presence of a biochemical imbalance in patients. Mental illness does not exist outside of a reaction to abuse, disease, drug or poison. Psychiatry is fraud.

Sickness can also be a spiritual problem – new age books such as the Law of Attraction will cause sickness and hallucinations mistaken as Bi polar -Beware..

Google online “Emotional Abuse”=Realize its their problem.
Google- Diet Depression Soda Thyroid
Google-“Sinners prayer”- learn that heaven awaits you
Google- “Deliverance Prayers”

Click my name to talk. – God wants you to know truth- then forgive those who abused you. Shrinks talk about Psychiatry

Source– Experience in a ministry seeing people healed when they know the truth without meds. Prior personal Involvement with NME, nations largest fraudelent hospital chain. NME gave over 40 million in kickbacks to Texas shrinks.

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