Dozens of Open Spots on S.J. Panels

Dozens of open spots on S.J. panels

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

At least half of the 15 members of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Board are required to either have family receiving the services they oversee or be consumers, themselves. "You've got to be active in the community to know its needs," said Gertie …
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Feds Say Former South Pittsburg Mayor Made Hundreds Of Thousands From

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

For this purpose, he enlisted the help of his co-conspirator Robert Barry Cole. The pair began … "The United States recognizes that the Defendant has made a positive impact on his community and his family as both a civic leader and father. … From …
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Abandoned Mexican Hotel Turned into Shelter for Migrants Deported from US

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

MEXICALI, Mexico – Angeles sin Fronteras, a group formed to assist people deported from the United States, has created five shelters to help migrants, who often end up penniless on the streets of Mexican border cities. … “I don't know how I ended up …
Read more on Latin American Herald Tribune


Immigration puts small town on cultural divide

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

MATTAWA, Wash. — Eloy Cervantes, a cattle rancher and father of four, has staked his family's future on this remote farming city in America's apple country — a city riddled by troubles he wishes he could help fix. Teen pregnancy. Grating poverty. And …
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