Spiritual River Launches Infographic Advocating Drug Addiction Treatment

Spiritual River Launches Infographic Advocating Drug Addiction Treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

While the percentages of individuals with respective substance abuse problems who check into treatment centers fluctuate, those who receive treatment and attain the tools to stay sober are the ones who live fuller and healthier lifestyles in the long-run.
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Demand prioritizing of treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

The Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, a government agency formerly known as the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, has a grant program that provides for limited funding to nonprofits for out-patient and residential treatment for …
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Man gets 5 years for drugs, abuse

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

Rivera apologized to the court and said treatment is now his priority and he is putting his kids first. “I am trying … She said Rivera is taking attending addiction programs and enjoys working with younger drug offenders to help them turn their own …
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Falmouth partnership joins Gosnold to send drug-free message

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

He has incorporated the partnership's two-person staff into Gosnold, which provides substance abuse counseling, treatment and programs Capewide. Gosnold will use a $ 155,000 grant from the Tower Foundation to continue the Falmouth Partnership's …
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